
Two million or more Muslim pilgrims braved scorching heat outside Mecca today to pray for forgiveness in the final stage of the annual hajj pilgrimage – the world's biggest religious Arrangements for the "duyouf al-rahman" – guests of God the merciful – involve organization and logistics on a vast scale to improve the conditions of pillars of hajj and avoid many problems in advance we have proposed a solution that allows the collection of information during the period of hajj. This solution requires the contribution of pilgrim efforts to achieve it.
Our project named hajjdoc is a mobile application in the Android OS most used for the smart phones. hajjdoc can send informations to a website using internet in the form of reports.
The website is "", collect and organizes all the reports sent by the pilgrim; also it offers the possibility to consult reports sent by mobiles or to add them directly. Reports may contain several informations: title, description, current address using the GPS, photo according to defined categories such as accidents, temperature, noise ...

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Let's use hajjdoc !

First of all you must download and install mobile application by clicking the link above. Then you must follow these steps:
Step 1: Configuration of your account Open the setting form by clicking the button "setting" then add your name and surname.
Step2: Sending a report Click the button "add report" then fill the report form by adding:
- Title
- Description
- Address location: by clicking on map or finding your current location automatically using the GPS by clicking "find me"
- Temperature or noise or accident...
- Photo: using your photo gallery or making one with your camera
- Finally click "send"
Demo using hajjdoc mobile click here please!

Pilgrim has the possibility to send reports directly by web using the website: "".
To add a report its very simple just click button "submit report" then fill the form with the information you want and finally click button "submit".
Demo using hajjdoc web click here please!